Monday, 22 April 2019

Summer Holiday H.W for Class-9

CLASS 9 (2019-20)
ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य कक्षा नवीं 
स्वास्थ्य केंद्र द्वारा आयोजित रक्तदान शिविर की जानकारी देते हुए एक विज्ञापन लिखिए 
चित्र वर्णन
महादेवी वर्मा रचित गिल्लू को ध्यान में रखते हुए आप भी एक संस्मरणात्मक रेखाचित्र लिखिए 

1. Make a brochure of your state incorporating these ideas .(speak for 2 minutes)
1. Map   
(a) state (b)capital (c)location (d) Ways to reach
2. Best time to visit
3. Institution of national importance
4. Places to visit
5. Shopping
6. Festival
7. Folk dances
8. Traditional dress
9. Cuisine
2. Make a beautiful bookmark for English book. Decorate it and write a famous quotation.
3. Worksheet based on jumble sentences and two passages for editing will be given.


 project on Disaster Management.
Project should cover introduction, types of disasters, aspects of disaster Management, disaster Management in India and conclusion.

· Conceptual learning-
Chapter-1, 2 and 3 examples from textbook to be done in maths notebook.
· Creative learning
Lab manual work- activity  on spiral thedorus  and coordinates of an object as     well as its image, to be done in lab manual notebook with the reference of maths lab manual.

Biology worksheet on cell stucture
Chemistry-worklsheet on matter in our surroundings
Physics  worksheet based on covered topics.
